Innovative borehole and tunnel seismic techniques became essential components of resource characterization efforts and are capable of reducing the uncertainty associated to mine planning and development while bearing little or no influence on ongoing production and operating procedures.

Vibrometric performed seismic site characterization projects and associated R&D work for over 30 years and is the leading Finnish expert in seismic investigations for detailed characterization of hard rock sites.

Selected case histories and methodological outlines presented here refer to: Finding mineralized zones and Delineating them laterally and in-depth; Mapping lithological contacts and structural features (Faults, Dykes and Folds); Inferring rock properties (Elastic moduli, Changes in porosity, Fluid content) and Determining fracture and stress orientation (Anisotropy).

June 9, 2017

3D Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP)

June 9, 2017

3D Tunnel Seismics

June 9, 2017

2D Seismic Surveys

June 9, 2017

3D Seismic Surveys

June 9, 2017

Side Scan Seismic Profiling

June 9, 2017

Cross-hole Investigations

Any suggestions or questions? Please contact us!